First off, I'd like to thank all of you that have been on my blog for the past ten months. This little guy wants to thank you, too. He spent most of this morning playing while his dad made dinner. And here's the food: Turkey, of course: Fixin's: Apple and pumpkin pies: And the messy little boy who ate some of each: Update: Falling asleep after eating turkey is not a myth:
Sunday, November 22, 2009
We've gone Christmas shopping the last two weeks. Last week, we got somebody's present here: We got another somebody's present here: But I know you're here for pictures of this guy: Mmm, oyster crackers. We also got him some new clothes while we were up there.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
We went to Sears for some pictures. We're getting prints of these first two:
He was very good during the photo session, except that he didn't want to stay still. He kept crawling toward one of us.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Getting ready for baby's first Christmas!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Turtles! His mom took him to Petco, and he had fun looking at the turtles swimming around. More pictures soon.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Whee! Trick or Treat last night! He was Tigger for his first Hallow e'en. We headed over to a church near us that was having Trunk or Treat in their parking lot. This is a little before he decided he didn't like the Tigger head on top of his. He let us know loudly and for a long time that he wasn't happy. We saw lots of costumes, but he wasn't really impressed by anything he saw. Maybe because we interrupted nap time. Horses! He finally started to have fun.