Not Elijah's party. We've had enough of those. He slept through while his parents ate lunch, so he got his kid's meal after we got to church. He got to wear an Elmo hat. You can take the hat off, or put it back on. You can even smash the hat. Then, you can pull it apart. Hats are such fun. He got a rubber duckie and an Elmo. Much fun was had by all (also cake and ice cream).
We had more snow in the middle of last week. I think the car on the left here is mine. After that, we had some serious cabin fever. Fortunately, somebody had a birthday party at a pizza place. He had fun there. He ate almost two whole pieces of pizza. Then this huge guy came by, and Elijah got to grab his nose. Lots of fun.
So, Elijah got a chance to see some more snow. He was a bit too active to watch it fall. We got a lot of it. Then, before it all could go away, we got some more. We'll try to dig our way out later. It might be hard, the snow behind the car is up to my waist.