He still plays with his trains. He also plays with his puzzle.

He also likes to ride in the cars at the toy store. I'm not sure what we would do with something like this; it's certain that we have no place to keep it.

When we went for breakfast this morning, he tried to help his mom make her coffee.

He got both creamer and sugar for her.

We went walking around the mall after that. He likes this store for some reason. I think it's the big mouse they have up front.

He also likes Buzz. That's one of his favorites.

He got out of his stroller, grabbed Pooh, and started to buckle him in to the stroller.

He played a bit at the mall playground, then it was time for a nap.

After his nap, we went to a farm so he could pick out a pumpkin.

He ran and played a lot while there.

Once the tractor arrived, we went for a ride. He wasn't very certain about the tractor ride.

Once he got settled, he seemed to have fun.

More for y'all later!