Thursday, December 15, 2011

Santa Pictures

Elijah and Charlie got to see Santa last weekend.

Santa gave Elijah a candy cane. Charlie didn't get one.

The older kids got to make ornaments.

The younger kids just hung out.

We'll have Christmas cards printed soon

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Elijah and his mother put up the Christmas tree this week.

He and his brother can almost play together sometimes.

Batman meets Santa Claus.

He likes to see the cats at the store.

When we went shopping, I finally got him to ride something other than the dragon.

Young Charlie got his first bear.

Also, Spider-Man can climb up poles.

Well, he tries to climb, anyway.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Post Thanksgiving Post

Charlie was very excited about his first Thanksgiving.

He was so happy, he rolled over to his side for the first time.

Charlie got to meet his cousins for the first time.

He also had a chance to meet his uncle, and then sleep on his uncle.

The Thanksgiving meal was very good, and I think we all felt like this after eating:

Charlie was really working overtime last week to meet his family.

His big brother needed to get on Facebook to talk about family.

Elijah also took time to read his cousin a book.

His grandmother also read him that book.
I should have more pictures once I get them off my brother's computer.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Pre-Thanksgiving Post

Here are some pictures. There's no real story connecting all these.

He likes the guitar. This one is less annoying than most. It's still annoying, though.

Thanksgiving pictures will be posted next.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sleeping and a New Bed

First, I want to say that I had no part in teaching him this:

He holds up a sword, or a pool noodle, or anything, and shouts something very close to "By the Power of Greyskull, I have the Power". Again, I did not teach him this or encourage it.
The little one has had a stopped-up nose, so nobody has really gotten much sleep lately.

The big one is now sleeping in a big-boy bed. We'll see how well this goes.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Baby Pictures

The baby pictures finally showed up. I paid a lot of money for these, so I'm giving them out to family now.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Hallowe'en

Batman had a chance to decorate a pumpkin today.

Batman also got to eat a pumpkin cookie and he got a pumpkin bear.

Robin got ready to go to his first trick-or-treating early.

Soon, everybody was loaded up and ready to find some free candy.

We found a church that had a trunk-or-treat in their parking lot.

Batman was kind enough to show where Robin was.

Batman got to jump around in the bouncy house. Well, he kind of just watched the other kids while he tried to get his footing.

We went trick-or-treating nearby, and when we met some friends, he decided to watch the game for a few minutes.

It was all very tiring, and Robin went to sleep rather quickly after this picture.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Almost Halloween

The big one likes to see the costumes at the store. I'm not sure what he's going to do next Tuesday when they all go away.

The little one has been sleeping better at night. We still haven't gotten up to all night, but we're at the 4-5 hour range now.

Did you know Batman can drive a tractor? Of course he can. He's the Batman.

About a week ago, I showed the big one how to make a blanket fort. Now, he wants forts all the time.

Batman also likes to see the dogs. He doesn't want them getting too close, but he likes to see them.

We should have trick-or-treating pictures soon.